What makes a good fictional Combat Mission scenario? Steel on Steel & Drop Zone P AARs.
Believing make-believe Combat Mission is no stranger to fictional and what-if scenarios. Of course, we have three full titles in which the whole premise is entirely fictional. When Market-Garden released for Normandy, the latitude for what could be done by a scenario designer in WWII expanded exponentially. It introduced a lot of scenario design staples: master-maps, a full design manual for first time creators, and of course the addition of a garage of unique, niche equipment. The results have generally been satisfactory. Most "fictional" scenarios are more accurately described as "typical" vignettes of actions, reported or otherwise, that punctuated the global conflict. My recent playthrough of East of Aachen is a perfect example of a one such scenario done well. Good map, believable force concentrations, a make-sense operational context. It is generally in line with a bevy of other other excellent fictional scenarios and campaigns that populate all the titles ...